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Keeping with the Jordan theme….lets talk about the madness you have to go through to get a pair of Jordan’s these days. Now, I may not be very old….but gone are the days of getting up at 6:30…7:30am and being one of the first in line to snag a pair. Sounds like the logical way to do things right?…WRONG! Because of the out of control, childish behavior of our generation shoe stores have been forced to to develop a new way of getting popular, new releases, such as Jordans. This ensures that each customer safely gets their shoe, yes people have fought over what place they were in line, leading to this foolishness.  This is all due to high demand and limited quality.

Let me explain to you how this system works. One must go to a store….or twenty and enter their name and size into a drawing for the specific Jordan that is coming out that weekend. You have a deadline to enter into these drawings and you may only enter your name once per store. Therefore the more stores you are able to enter your name at the higher probability you have of getting your name pulled. The problem is that you’re entering your name into a box with roughly 200+ other people per store. Once the deadline date has come employees from each store draw names until each shoe they have has an assigned purchaser. Let me not forget!…..You are limited to purchasing 1 shoe unless your name is called at multiple stores, only then can you purchase 1 from each store your name was drawn.

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How do I feel about all of this? It’s the most ridiculous, smart thing I’ve ever heard of. Think about it. The easy thing to do would be to send each store more stock therefore more customers can have the chance to purchase them and everyone wins. Jordan and Nike make their money and more people walk away with the shoes they want. BUT one of the reasons Jordan is able to stay so relevant in the shoe game is because of the exclusivity of the shoe. Only a limited number of people are going to be able to actually  purchase each release. Making those who did not snag certain pairs more eager for the next release to see if they will be able to get that pair; and those who do snag the releases eager to try and snag the next pair in order to build their collection. My advice is to find a “plug” aka someone who is able to guarantee you the Jordan’s you want upon their release. Don’t worry, you can thank me later.

DeCarlo Finesse Middleton